Asphalt Sealcoating

Protect & preserve your asphalt surfaces with Spartan Sealcoating & Property Maintenance. We are a premier asphalt sealcoating company, and we specialize in revitalizing, protecting and increasing the longevity of your residential or commercial asphalt surface!”


Few things make a piece of property pop quite like a freshly laid stretch of blacktop in the parking lot. “Sooner or later, though, you need asphalt sealcoating to protect your hard surface areas from gas, oil, UV rays, and changes in seasons.” 

Over time, that gorgeous new dark paved surface develops cracks, potholes, and uneven sections, causing damage to vehicles passing through. Without the right mix of experience, tools, and contractors, you can’t hope to keep up with maintenance without spending more.


When you choose Spartan Sealcoating & Property Maintenance, know that you are receiving the highest quality products for your asphalt surfaces. We use commercial grade NEYRA products that are added and mixed according to manufacturers specifications.  

Our process begins with prepping your surface via edging the asphalt, brushing packed in dirt, and blowing off excess debris to get your surface as clean as necessary. We then fill any noticeable cracks and begin to apply the sealcoat by way of brush or spray, depending on size and condition of your surface.”


Affordable Asphalt Sealcoating

When you ignore your asphalt surfaces’ maintenance needs, it only causes them to deteriorate faster than you had initially anticipated. And when that happens, it results in you spending more for a completely new area to get installed right now.

While all driveways, parking lots, blacktops, and other surfaces do, eventually, need to get replaced, it helps to maintain them. Doing so can help you utilize your exterior areas for longer, seeing them used for years before they require replacements.

On paper, a typical asphalt driveway could last as long as 20 years, but that likely isn’t the case. However, with proper care and upkeep, you might extend its use that far, allowing you to save more on maintenance.

When you need to avoid surprise service costs and more expensive contractor visits, you can save more by hiring us. Contact our team today and save more on asphalt sealcoating repairs that keep your asphalt surfaces at their best longer.