Asphalt Repair

 Potholes, uneven surfaces, alligator cracks and others signs of deterioration are not only displeasing to the eye, they pose major safety concerns. Spartan Sealcoating & Property Maintenance has the experience, equipment and knowledge to complete your asphalt repair.


Many people see asphalt surfaces as remaining durable enough to perform under even the harshest conditions, weather, and daily traffic. However, unless you keep up with all of your necessary asphalt repair items, they quickly deteriorate, causing problem areas.

Your asphalt surfaces are composed of many different compounds, such as concrete, stone, sand, and sometimes even seashells. Over time, these ingredients start eroding, and once they start, their condition only grows worse from daily traffic.


Once your minor blemishes turn into significant structural concerns, you can rely on our staff to fix your problem areas and make them look as good as new.

Our asphalt repair process is a three step system: Cut, Rip and Replace. We begin with cutting around the problem area, followed by pulling out the damaged asphalt and replacing it with new, hot-mix asphalt that will be flush with your existing surface.